A surgeon has issued a warning over the hidden dangers faced by Brits who fly abroad for cheap cosmetics operations.
Tens of thousands of UK residents flock to hotspots like Turkey and Poland to get cosmetic procedures at a fraction of the price it costs at home. But too many people make the mistake of failing to understand exactly what the process involves, and what can go wrong, Dr Ahmed Alsayed said.
Dr Alsayed, who is lead surgeon and medical director at plastic surgery specialists Signature Clinic, said: “Medical tourism is on the rise and thousands of Brits travel abroad each year to have procedures done for cut-price fees. However, many people fail to do their research and focus too much on money, rather than the quality or safety of the clinic.
“Some see a rock-bottom price and are blinded to the fact they might not know exactly what level of service and aftercare they will get. Clinics in the UK have to adhere to the strictest levels of expertise, safety and cleanliness. You just can’t be sure you’ll get that from a cheaper option abroad.
“There may also be a total lack of aftercare, or it can be difficult to correct something that has gone wrong if your doctor is in another country. I would always advise doing as much research as possible into the surgery and the clinic to make sure you are totally confident you are making the right decision.”
While exact figures for Brits going abroad for surgery are unclear, Signature Clinic said the Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimated around 248,000 UK residents chose that route in 2019. This marked a substantial rise from the estimated 120,000 in 2015.
Experts are divided over the biggest contributing factors for the rise, but growing NHS waiting lists and the rise of affordable treatments abroad are thought to play a significant role. Signature Clinic which has branches in cities across the UK, said it and clinics like it always carried out a consultation with a doctor to ensure a potential patient is a suitable candidate for surgery.
Dr Alsayed added: “Surgery is an incredibly personal decision, so it’s important to go into the process fully informed, and totally sure that it is what you want to do. The best clinics will provide a comprehensive before and aftercare program that puts the patient at the heart of it. Cosmetic surgery can drastically improve the quality of life of the patient, but it is not a process to enter into as an easy fix.”
Source: Wales Online